Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summertime Sweetness

 Summer is here and that means wonderful things for food. It means fresh vegetables, the best fruits, better local produce and ... lemonade. Lemonade doesn't have to be the powder from your grocery store - don't get me wrong, I grew up on the stuff and love it. But it's so simple to make fresh lemonade! It is, at its core, a simple sugar syrup with lemon juice. To create a more interesting version of a classic drink, why not mix it with another, lighter juice...say, watermelon juice? I first had watermelon juice in India and was stunned by the subtle sweetness of the thick, smooth juice. Lemonade mixed with other fruit juices is apparently an "in" thing (see: McDonald's Frozen Strawberry Lemonade, Dunkin Donuts anything, etc), but I think combining it with watermelon juice is great because the subtle flavor and high water content cuts the sweetness and tart flavor of lemonade.

What You'll Need:
- 1 Watermelon, cubed so you have about 4 cups of watermelon
- About 2-3 Lemons (amount depends on how tart you like your lemonade; remember 1 lemon = 1/4 cup of juice)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup water

What to Do:
1. Cube the melon, so you have about 4 cups. Blend it, strain it (bye, bye, seeds!), and put it aside for now.
2. In a sauce pan, boil the water and sugar together, stirring until the sugar is dissolved and the water is something of a thin sugary syrup.
3. Remove the pan from the heat and squeeze in the lemon juice - about 1/2 cup in total, a little more if you like your juice on the tart side...mix it and you have just made homemade lemonade.
4. Pour that fresh lemonade into that fresh watermelon juice and mix it up. Voila!

There you have. I would give a yield (as in, makes "x" number of glasses) but I don't remember because my friends and I drank it so quickly! It is so refreshing - not as tart or sweet as lemonade but not as watery or subtle as watermelon juice. It's going to be an instant classic for my summertime recipes! 

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