Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Easter weekend. I love Easter weekend and the whole holiday - both religious and secularly. You cannot beat the candy at Easter or the general spirit of joy (at least, that's how I read it). Everyone is excited for spring, for pastels, for short skirts, for the time of renewal. And the end of school. Hallelujah! I happen to enjoy the food aspect of Easter. Lamb, vegetables that are in-season or at least almost there. I'm Catholic, so theoretically the past 40 days have been marked by restraint, conscientiousness, and solidarity with the less fortunate. Hence the lack of meat and renouncement of enjoyable, sumptuous things like candy or baked goods. I, frankly, like this focus on food. I become so aware of how much excess there is in my life - tons of leftovers, wasted produce, milk gone bad. How can I more effectively manage the food, the resources, the details of my life? How can I be more conscious of myself? People view the season of Lent in such a negative way, but I think the sacrifice is good. Just as you spring clean your closet, you should spring clean your spirit. And it's impossible to do that without considering your food. Mind-body, people.

<Random Lenten reflection done>

As I was saying, I like the Easter food because it is so highly symbolic and a focal point for joy. I imagine it is similar at Eid, after all the fasting and sacrifice and charity, you have a feast to be glad. Easter food, besides being symbolic, is also just cool. Most people don't have lamb often, and probably have mint jelly rarer, yet these are traditional foods (I'm sure there are more...but this is what I know personally). My Easter menu consists of lamb and ham, roasted potatoes with rosemary, a load of fresh vegetables, and some desserts like angel food cake.

Anyways, just wanted to post and say happy Easter/Spring! Take the time to be joyful and reflect on your life, food, etc. etc...

<3 katie kate

Also, you'll notice I've moved to my blog; I've chosen to keep that one India-devoted, and move this one to since more people use blogspot and it's easier to do the following/sharing thing this way. Forgive me as I get used to it!

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