Saturday, April 09, 2011

Fruit for Dinner?

Fruit for dinner? Ever consider it?
It never ceases to intrigue me that Americans don’t cook with fruit more. Fruit is reserved for breakfast (anyone want some strawberries with their cereal?) or after dinner (think fruit salad on a summer night). There are some notable exceptions: Hawaiian pizza glorifies the ham and pineapple combo. Or what about some good old-fashioned pork chops and apple sauce? Though there are times and places in American food for a fruit-meets-meat meal, it is much rarer here than in other places of the world. What would South and South East Asia cuisine be without fruit in its meals? 
Never fear! Fruit for dinner is an interesting and quick way to bring a new flavor to your kitchen. Busy people – especially budgeted college students – get into a routine: cereal for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, chicken/pasta/salad for dinner. Fruit brings different tastes, textures, and nutrients to your cuisine.
Some Examples of How to Welcome Fruit into Your Meals
Peanut butter and jelly, with bananas and strawberries on toasted wheat bread
  • Sweet and salty, with a chance to vary the texture of the typical sandwich
Cardamom-infused rice with nuts, grapes, diced apples and raisins

Simple staple food made even better
  • Heat some oil in a pot, heat the cardamom and any herbs, then cook the rice in the same pot. As the rice is nearly done cooking, add in your fruits: sliced grapes, diced apple, and raisins and nuts are a good choices. Play around, use what you have. 
Chicken with Green Apples Baked in a Brown Sugar-Apple Juice Sauce
  • I just made and ate this for dinner, and it was a success. I browsed through a bunch of recipes and, with some ideas and inspiration, got cracking on my own adaptation on the chicken-apple combo. I’ve included an abbreviated version of my recipe below (for one whole chicken breast).
What you need:
    • Chicken breast
    • Butter or oil
    • Sliced Granny Smith apple (or other tart apple) – about 1/2 will suffice
    • Teaspoon of brown sugar
    • Quarter cup of apple juice
    • Quarter cup of plain yogurt, sour cream, or heavy cream (whatever you have on hand!)
  1. In some butter (not the healthiest but still yum), cook the chicken breast until done and then remove and cover.
  2. In that same pan of butter, add a sliced Granny Smith apple (I used 1/2 an apple; another tart apple flavor would do just as well); top with a smidge more butter and a teaspoon of brown sugar.
  3. Add about 1/4 cup apple juice. Let it get to a boil.
  4. Once the apples are cooked to your liking, remove them and place them on the chicken – but do not remove the apple juice sauce from the pan yet!
  5. Put the pan with the juice back over the heat and add about 1/4 cup of either plain yogurt, sour cream, or heavy cream. Keep over heat (stirring) until the sauce is reduced to the desired thickness.
  6. Pour the sauce over your apples and chicken, and you have yourself a sweet and savory meal good enough to be both dinner and dessert!
If the thought of fruit for dinner scares, confuses, or intrigues you – try out some recipes. Who ever said fruit should be relegated to the beginnings or ends of your day is a Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins. Try out some sweet-savory combos and I’m sure your tastebuds will thank you for it!
<3 katie kate

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